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Drive Down Risk: Best Practices for Managing Waste Oil Storage and Disposal in Your Auto Repair Shop

By February 22, 2023February 23rd, 2023Garage Guard®, Insurance
Best Practices for Managing Waste Oil Storage and Disposal in Your Auto Repair Shop

One of the leading concerns as it pertains to risk and safety in the auto repair industry is the management of waste oil.

As you know, the proper storage and disposal of waste oil is essential for both environmental and legal reasons.

Used oil from vehicles contains harmful substances that can pollute the air and water if not handled properly.

Additionally, improperly disposing of waste oil can lead to hefty fines and legal consequences for your business.

Here’s a few tips to help you manage waste oil storage and disposal at your auto repair shop:

1. Store waste oil properly

Waste oil should always be stored in a dedicated and labeled container that’s kept in a secure area away from drains and water sources.

The container should be made of a material that’s compatible with oil, such as steel or high-density polyethylene, and have a lid that can be securely fastened to prevent spills.

2. Monitor the amount of waste oil you generate

It’s important to keep track of the amount of waste oil your business generates to ensure you don’t exceed your storage capacity.

This can be done by using a metered pump to measure the amount of oil you’re removing from vehicles or by simply estimating the amount of oil you’re generating based on the number of oil changes you perform.

3. Dispose of waste oil properly

Waste oil should never be disposed of in the trash, poured down a drain, or dumped on the ground.

Instead, it should be collected by a licensed waste oil hauler who will transport it to a licensed facility for proper recycling or disposal. A licensed waste oil hauler helps prevent you from being held liable for any environmental damage caused by the waste oil after it leaves your property.

4. Keep accurate records

Keeping accurate records of your waste oil storage and disposal is essential for both environmental and legal reasons.

Here are a few items to document:

  • The amount of waste oil you generate
  • The amount of waste oil you store
  • How you dispose the waste oil


This information can be used to demonstrate your compliance with environmental regulations and to defend your business in the event of a lawsuit.

By following these best practices, you can help protect the environment and ensure your auto repair shop stays in compliance with regulations governing waste oil storage and disposal.

If you have any questions regarding your risks or insurance protection, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our team is dedicated to assisting you and ensuring that your business is adequately protected.

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